C Bay’s Lighthouse Restaurant re-opening April 3

By Jake Davies - West Carleton Online

CONSTANCE BAY – After a challenging two-week closure, the second unexpected closure in less than a year, the Lighthouse Restaurant will re-open for take-out only.

The Lighthouse will re-open tomorrow (April 3).

“We have been closed almost two weeks,” owners Ji and Sandy Zhang released in a statement today. “While closed we have installed a sneeze shield at the cash, marked personal boundary areas on the floor, and purchased extra personal protection equipment and sanitizers/cleaners. We are going to protect our customers and staff as best as possible from COVID-19.”
As a take-out only restaurant, the Lighthouse has reduced its hours.

The Lighthouse will be open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day.

“We thank our valued customers for their understanding and support during this time,” the owners said. “We miss all of our dine-in regulars and hope you are all staying safe.”

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