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West Carleton Online will provide daily coverage of community and breaking news, community photos and community coverage created by award-winning journalists, dedicated to West Carleton. West Carleton Online will be easily navigable on any device and subscribers can register for email alerts when new content is posted. West Carleton Online subscribers can post for free on the West Carleton Online business directory, event calendar, obituary and classified ads section. West Carleton Online will be a hub for West Carleton residents, businesses and organizations who want to know what’s going on in their community.

Because West Carleton Online is owned by the subscribers, it will never be dependent on advertising to survive. With no printing and distribution costs, West Carleton Online growth will always be focused on better journalism, better coverage and better stories, delivered daily to your home computer, tablet or smartphone. West Carleton Online is a small, local business, with deep roots to the community.

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