Minor drought persists in Mississippi Valley despite record rain

MISSISSIPPI VALLEY WATERSHED—The Mississippi Valley Low Water Response Team (MVLWRT) met today (July 26) to discuss current conditions across the Mississippi Valley watershed.
Despite recent, record-breaking rainfall, conditions remain at the threshold for Level 1 Minor Drought status under the Ontario Low Water Response Program.
Rainfall received over the last 48 hours has brought significant relief to the system, however this may only be a temporary reprieve and residents are advised to continue to conserve water at this time.
With almost 100 mm of precipitation recorded at most of our rain gauges, the precipitation parameter used to define levels of drought has moved out of minor drought status. Flows in the tributaries and main branch of the Mississippi River have not yet responded to that precipitation.
“The streamflows are still reflecting drought conditions persist despite the rainfall and therefore we will continue to maintain the Level 1 Minor drought status for the time being,” said Gord Mountenay, Water Management Supervisor of the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority.
Water conservation is recommended for everyone within the Mississippi and Carp River watersheds and residents on private wells inside the City of Ottawa boundary. Those who have permits for taking water from surface or groundwater sources are encouraged to reduce their actual taking as much as possible. Residents on private well systems are also urged to use water conservatively. Using rain barrels to capture any rain to water lawns and gardens, and avoid using pressure washers to clean houses, driveways, decks and fences all contribute to the conservation of our water resources. Municipalities may have invoked water restrictions, so check your municipality’s website for water restriction bylaws. For more water conservation tips visit www.mvc.on.ca.
Daily water levels and flows are available on the MVCA website here
In order to track impacts of the drought conditions within the watershed, the MVLWRT requests that any individuals or business within the Mississippi Valley watershed experiencing difficulties with their wells please contact the Conservation Authority by calling 613-253-0006 ext. 233 or 243. The MVLWRT have established a survey form on the website that residents can fill out to assist in documenting the effects of the drought as well. This form is located at: www.mvc.on.ca/lowwatersurvey

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