Wild bird centre in middle of ‘busy baby bird season’

Special to WC Online

OTTAWA – The Ottawa Valley Wild Bird Care Centre (OVWBCC) is smack dab in the middle of its busiest time of year.

“Now in the middle of our busy baby bird season, our staff and volunteers are frantically feeding and nurturing little ones,” the OVWBCC released in a statement today (July 6).” After a heat wave and stormy weather, the conditions were finally favourable for bird releases.”

On June 24, 119 birds were released back in to the wild.

Patient admissions are up by seven per cent over last year, with over 80 different species, each with their own care requirements.

“After the recent releases, we have more than 200 patients in care, and the baby bird season isn’t over yet,” the OVWBCC said.

Wood ducklings are especially sensitive, high stress patients with very special needs.

“The centre received a number of wood ducklings that were far too young to be on their own,” OVWBCC staff said. “To ensure a successful release, the staff and volunteers went above and beyond to make these ducklings comfortable and feel at ease while at the centre.”

Wood ducks are known to adopt ducklings into their own family.

“But the conditions need to be just right,” the OVWBCC said. “Volunteers scouted areas for the perfect release, looking for wood duck parents with similar aged ducklings of their own. The staff watched carefully to see if the prospective adoptive parents were prepared to accept new additions to their family. To everyone’s delight, they were. Hearing the youngsters, they called out to them, and not only accepted the new ducklings, but even protected them against inquisitive mallards.”

If you would like to see a video of the release, click here.

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2 thoughts on “Wild bird centre in middle of ‘busy baby bird season’

  • July 8, 2024 at 8:19 am

    To whom it may concern – Pictured are Canada Geese. Video clip is great – good job. Picture of WOOD ducklings with new mom would be appropriately accurate.

    Avid Bird Watcher,

    • July 8, 2024 at 10:01 am

      From the editor: Sorry, you are correct, Joe. That was the photo that came with the news release, and we mistakenly thought it was a photo of the duckling release. Upon further viewing, and while we are certainly not bird people, those clearly are geese. Thanks, Joe.