Photography fundraiser for Carp Fair
By Jake Davies - West Carleton Online
CARP – Aimee Edgcumbe has only been to one Carp Fair. That was all she needed to see how important the Carp Fair is to the West Carleton community. Now she wants to step up and help the fair in its time of need.
Edgcumbe of Aimee Caroline Photography is hosting a family photograph fundraiser in support of the Carp Fair from Aug. 9 to Aug. 15 at the Carp Fairgrounds.

“I just saw the article and heard the news it wasn’t going to happen,” Edgcumbe told West Carleton Online Friday (July 24).
The news was the 2020 Carp Fair, which would have been the 157th, would not be happening this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It was the biggest blow of many the fair has taken this year. Many of the Carp Agricultural Society’s smaller fundraisers were also cancelled this year. Men’s and Ladies’ Night, two Carp Fair euchres, the Carp Fair Drive-In Bingo series and the spring Carp Fair Truck and Tractor Pull, which was also cancelled in 2019 due to inclement weather.
Getting people together is what the Carp Agricultural Society does.
Edgcumbe and her family moved to West Lake, a small community just outside of Carp, in October of 2018. She just missed that year’s fair.
“When I first moved here, everyone said you had to go,” Edgcumbe said.
So in 2019, she made sure to go and took her son Miles, 11, and daughter Isabella, 8, and headed to the fair. It was so good they went back a second day.
“It was everything everyone told us it would be,” Edgcumbe said. “I took the kids by myself. They were overwhelmed. The way it was run and organized and the sheer number of volunteers and everyone was so friendly. Miles loved the demolition derby and Isabella loved the midway.”
It clearly made an impact. So, Edgcumbe wanted to pitch in. She contacted the fair and they were on board. Edgcumbe is offering mini-family photo sessions for $50 on the Carp Fairgrounds between Aug. 9 and 15.
$25 from each session will be donated directly to the Carp Agricultural Society. Each family will receive their photos on a digital download to keep and make as many copies as they would like. The other $25 will be pooled and used to purchase gift certificates and products from Carp’s small businesses. One hundred per cent of the proceeds are going back in to the community. The items will be put in to an online raffle which will be held the week after the photo sessions. Each family that books a photo session will also be put in to the draw.
Each session will last around 20 minutes with a 10-minute space to make sure distance can be maintained between those who sign up for a photo session. Edgcumbe will use a telephoto lens so that she can keep her distance as well.
Edgcumbe says it’s important to her to not just support the fair but the businesses of Carp as well.
“That’s 45,000 people that won’t be coming to Carp this fall and visiting the businesses this year,” she said. “I think it’s a neat way to get everyone together and support the fair and the small businesses at once. It’s time we give back.”
Edgcumbe is excited about getting to ply her trade at the Carp Fairgrounds. She expects the location will hit home with those participating, reminding the community of the importance of the Carp Fair.
“A director is going to bring their hay wagon and some haybales,” she said. “We’ll do what we can in the 20 minutes we have. I think it will be great. I’m really looking forward to it. It’s my way of showing how important the fair is to our community. I’m really excited and I’m most excited to meet the people of Carp.”
Fundraising photo sessions are available between Aug. 9 and 15 between 4 and 8 p.m. There are nine slots per day. Edgcume asks you contact her at 613-227-2343 or to book a session. Edgcumbe said she has already booked nine sessions so far and is planning on selling out.
“I know that I could never offset the money lost by these cancelled events, but I hope this will raise some funds and give the people of Carp something to rally around and bring us all together, and help our small businesses along the way,” Edgcumbe said. “I would love it if everyone who had a photo session would post their photos on social media the week the fair was to run, to show our support.”
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