OPG conducting eel, sturgeon research on Ottawa River this summer

Special to WC Online

WEST CARLETON – The Ontario Power Generation (OPG) is continuing its research in to Ottawa River eels and sturgeon this summer, gauging the affect hydro dams have on the endangered species.

“OPG is conducting research in the vicinity of its hydroelectric generating stations on the Ottawa River,” OPG released in a statement today (June 12).

Research activities will include fish abundance studies on the Ottawa and Bonnechere Rivers.

“This research, which is being carried out by Kleinschmidt Associates and CIMA+, is in support of OPG’s ongoing American eel and lake sturgeon mitigation studies for these species at risk,” OPG staff said. “Kleinschmidt and CIMA+ boats may be in close proximity to the shoreline as they complete day and nighttime fish abundance studies.”

This annual research is conducted under permits from the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry and the Québec Ministère de L’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les Changements Climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs.

It is completed in accordance with OPG Mitigation Plans, under the Ontario Endangered Species Act. Work will continue until mid-October this year.

“Please visit opg.com/biodiversity to learn more about OPG’s biodiversity programs,” OPG staff said. “If you encounter either of these two species, please report it to us.”

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