OHS support helps 2,800 Ottawa animals

Special to WC Online

OTTAWA –  In November, the Ottawa Humane Society (OHS) relaunched its Emergency Partner Support Program, providing financial and other support to 22 partners in the animal welfare community.

“Since the beginning of the public health crisis, we’ve recognized that more can be done for Ottawa’s animals by standing together,” OHS President Bruce Roney released in a statement yesterday (Jan. 28). “Standing together means helping the organizations who share our vision of a more humane and compassionate community.”

By the end of 2020, the grants provided through the OHS Emergency Partner Support Program helped 2,800 animals.

The OHS has also held five partner sterilization days for partner organizations who have not been able to access these services due to the public health crisis. These sterilization days have provided spays and neuters to more than 57 cats who otherwise would not have received the surgery.

The OHS is making plans for how the Emergency Partner Support Program can be continued and what the program may look like as the pandemic unfolds and after the public health crisis. The OHS stands resolute in supporting the community and caring for Ottawa’s animals.

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