Legion: Hot start to 2023
CONSTANCE BAY – Branch 616 is experiencing a great start to the New Year. Our usual events are on the calendar, the renovation is clicking right along, and the restored pool table is very popular. Thank you to all the volunteers.
We have done well with memberships this year. However, there are still some outstanding renewals. Please drop by the Branch or renew your membership online to remain in good standing, with thanks as always.
Branch 616 had some very important visitors at the January general meeting. Fire Team K-9 is an organization based in Pembroke.

They train and provide service dogs for veterans. A trainer and a user with their dogs were our guests. Their presentation was inspiring and informative. The Branch is preparing to make a donation to aid this essential service.
The sports program is also back in full swing. Sports Officer Wayne Flieler has sign-up sheets posted for Zone and District events (which quickly fill up), as does the Ladies Auxiliary (L.A.). The L.A. will be hosting District Darts on April 1. As for house dart nights, men’s and ladies’ leagues are well-established but open to spares. Friday night mixed darts is casual and open to all 19 years of age and up: please feel free to drop in for a session.
The Branch was a major participant in the retirement celebrations of our city councillor Eli El-Chantiry. Eli was a Constance Bay resident prior to moving to the city to serve on council.
He is a long-time Legion member. The membership elected him 2023 Volunteer of the Year in honor of all the good things he has done for our Branch and community. He was presented with the award by Branch 616 President George Dolan at the thank you party the community held for him for 19 years of service on City of Ottawa council. Congratulations Comrade! Enjoy your retirement.
Past events
Friday January 13: Meals to Wheels: Our first takeout dinner of the new year – Harriet’s Chicken Parm. Over 100 delicious dinners were bagged and out the door in no time. The volunteers were right back in the swing of things after the holiday break.
Friday January 27: Meals to Wheels: Cabbage Rolls by LoriAnn for the Ladies Auxiliary. Again, 80-plus dinners prepared and delivered by the volunteers in record time. Thank you to the L.A., Harriet, LoriAnn and all the volunteers and patrons for this great kick-off.
Saturday January 28: Trivia Challenge! Jim Wilson took a break and joined the challengers. Thank you to Kevin Johnson for taking over as Quiz Master. The event was won by Jim, Wendy Watters, Karen Woods, and Tracey Briscoe. Thank you to everyone for participating. That was fun.
Coming up
February 10: Meals to Wheels TGIF Dinner, Cancelled. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Sunday February 19: Old Sled Run. $10 breakfast available 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.; registration $15, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m, includes a bowl of chili and a hotdog when you come back to the Legion at 3 p.m. for presentations and awards. The run will leave the Legion at 10 a.m. for the trip across the river, stopping for a break at Gavan’s in Quyon, QC.
Friday February 24: Meals to Wheels TGIF Dinner. Menu TBA
Friday March 10, Meals to Wheels TIF Dinner; Menu TBA
Friday March 17: St. Patrick’s Party! Get your green on and join us for a St. Pat’s celebration with the Travis Strong/ Danny Strong/ Billy Wilson group offering a mix of traditional Irish tunes and modern favorites! Irish stew, dinner roll and dessert available for $10. It all starts at 4 p.m.
Friday, March 24: Meals to Wheels TGIF Dinner; menu TBA
Saturday March 25: Theresa Wilson Memorial Dart Tourney. Open to ladies 19 years and up, four per team. Register at 9:15 to 9:45 a.m., play at 10 a.m. Limited to 20 teams. Lunch available. For more info call Harriet at 613-806-1789 or Legion 613-832-2082.