Legion: Branch elections and the fiscal year end

By Arleen Morrow for West Carleton Online

CONSTANCE BAY – Branch 616 welcomes the end of a very successful fiscal year and is looking forward to more of the same coming up in this new Legion year.

The West Carleton Royal Canadian Legion column.
The West Carleton Royal Canadian Legion column.

Membership is growing, the inter-branch sports calendar is filled up, the Veterans will be making their second visit since COVID, and the community garden plots are all spoken for and started. The annual general meeting was held and Branch 616 thanks Branch 638 Kanata for overseeing the elections. Thanks also to Zone Commander Rob Madore for the installation of the new executive.

President’s Report:

We at Branch 616 held our annual Election on May 27. As we close one fiscal year and begin another, I want to thank the outgoing executive for their hard work and commitment to the branch. It was a pleasure serving with you; you made my job easier as the new president. Thank you also to the staff: we had a very busy year of events and experienced significant customer traffic. The bar staff was outstanding in service and support.

Highlights included the bar and lounge renovations; ongoing success of our Meals to Wheels incentive; the operation and maintenance of the building and grounds; a busy events calendar; the sports programs; the Poppy Campaign; the seniors; and a very active Ladies Auxiliary. Thanks to all who participated in these activities. Thanks also to our comrade members who attended events, joined the dart leagues and the pool league, signed up or inter-branch sports, or simply dropped in for a drink and comradeship.

Your support of the branch is much appreciated. I have been returned as president for the next fiscal year. The new executive is in place: many of the previous officers are returning with a few new ones added. There are still a number of open positions to fill, which will be done by appointment in the near future. We look forward to another successful year with our members working hard to support their Branch, their community and our Veterans, with Remembrance.

Kevin Johnson,
President, Legion Branch 616

2024/25 Branch 616 Executive:

  • President: Kevin Johnson
  • Past President: George Dolan
  • Ist Vice President: John Woodbeck
  • 2nd Vice President: Arleen Morrow
  • 3rd Vice President: Barry Milks
  • Secretary: Jim Wilson
  • Sergeant at Arms: Rob Gallant
  • Executive Committee: Michele Harlow, Colin Burrill, Kevin Robinson.

The Ladies Auxiliary has also elected their 2024/25 executive. They wish to say thank you to retiring President Sheila Masson who served in the position for 8 years. Thank you to 616 President Kevin Johnson for overseeing this election.

2024/25 Branch 616 Ladies Auxiliary Executive:

  • President: Michele Harlow
  • Past President: Sheila Masson
  • 1st Vice President: Harriet Farrell
  • 2nd V.P.: Denise Lyttle
  • Secretary: Arleen Morrow
  • Treasurer: Michelle Bainbridge
  • Executive Committee: Shadine Robinson, Debbie Wilson, Trish Scharfe, Anita Kamps, Lynne Wilson, Brie Gilmour

Our beloved veteran Dr. Roly Armitage was invited to France for the D-day celebration this month and was not able to travel as planned due to contracting jaundice. Gen. Walter Natynczyk has visited him at the Perley and, he was interviewed by CTV. He is alert and is aware of his condition. Please stay tuned for updates.

Last Post: Leo Muldoon, spouse of Adele who is a past 616 member. Jim Reese, past 616 member. Our heartfelt condolences to their families and friends. R.I.P. Comrades.

Past events

Sunday May 5, East Coast Kitchen Party: Thank you Rob Gallant and Mike Down for organizing another very successful Sunday afternoon musical gathering. They gathered enough jammers for the music to go on for more than three hours and enough folks to fill the barroom and spill into the backyard. Great music and great people.

Monday May 6, West Carleton Seniors Car Rally: Jim Wilson thought up the puzzle and the seniors figured it out! The event was won by the Legion Branch 616 team of George Dolan, Lori Ann Summerfield and Arleen Morrow. A fun day – thank you to everyone who participated.

Friday May 10, Meals to Wheels TGIF Dinner: Ribs on the Smoker! Delicious racks of back ribs served with seasoned roast potatoes, veggies, Cole slaw and blueberry cheesecake. Thank you, Tom, Kevin, Peter and all the dinner volunteers.

Saturday May 11, Ladies Darts Windup Party: The season first place trophy was won by the team of Michele Harlow, Nicole Phillips and Brie Gilmore. The playoff trophy for first place went to Pam Taylor and Laura Delahunt. The steak and salmon barbecue was delicious and Karaoke by Kolenoke was excellent as usual. Thank you to the Ladies Tuesday Dart League Executive Harriet Farrell, Michele Harlow and Ali Davis for their hard work all season and this terrific windup party.

Wednesday May 22, Seniors Trivia: Another West Carleton Seniors game day held at the Branch. This event was won by Wayne Bahry of Kinburn Seniors.

Friday May 24, Meals to Wheels TGIF Dinner: Schnitzel by Anita for the Ladies Auxiliary: Another delicious takeout/drive-thru meal by Anita Kamps and the Ladies Auxiliary volunteers. Dinner was schnitzel, spaetzle, sauerkraut, seasoned carrots and pistachio pudding, all delivered in record time! Thank you, everyone!

RED FRIDAYS – Please show your support for our troops and their families and to the families of the 158 soldiers killed in Afghanistan by wearing red on Fridays.

Coming up

Friday June 7: Meals to Wheels: SOLD OUT! This is the last pick-up meal of the season. The program is now in hiatus until September. Stay tuned for notices of barbecues or pub nights. Thank you everyone for supporting the Meals to Wheels program.

Friday June 21: Ladies Auxiliary Barbecue and Bake Sale! 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. ‘Dogs, Burgs, Sausage, Pies, Cookies, Squares etc. etc. Watch for Posters and menus on Facebook and the 616 Website.

Monday July 1, Canada Day! Pig Roast and Entertainment! More info coming …. Watch for posters and announcements on Facebook and the 616 Website.

Saturday July 13, All Veterans Summer Party! Lunch, entertainment, floor show. The bus from the Perley arrives at 1130 a.m. Everyone welcome – come and meet our war heroes and current serving and retired military.

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