Firefighter Food Drive for West Carleton Food Access Centre

Kinburn Fire Station 61 and Fitzroy Harbour Fire Station 62 are hosting a community food drive to collect non-perishables for the West Carleton Food Access Centre. Donations can be dropped off at either station on Monday nights between 7 and 9 pm or anytime at Darvesh or the Harbour Store until July 22.
Concerts in the Park Series
WM (Waste Management) and I present the 2022 Concerts in the Park Series at Fitzroy Provincial Park, hosted by West Carleton Disaster Relief. The concerts take place every Thursday evening in July.

Chris Burke Receives 25-Year Service Pin

During a special ceremony on June 22 at Dunrobin Fire Station 66, Ottawa Fire Services Chief Paul Hutt and District 6 Sector Chief Bill Bell presented Chris Burke with his 25-year service pin in recognition of his long, distinguished career as an Ottawa firefighter. Chris, thank you for your dedication to serving the residents of West Carleton-March and for your expertise in training new rural firefighters.
Reopening of the West Carleton Client Service Centre

In-person services at the West Carleton Client Service Centre, at 5670 Carp Road, have resumed. The centre is open Wednesdays, 8:30 am to 4 pm. Please make an appointment at ottawa.ca/csc. Walk-ins will be accepted, but priority will be given to scheduled appointments. In addition to the in-person option, residents can continue to access services online or by calling 3-1-1 or 613-580-2400 and selecting option 5, after choosing their preferred language.
Wild Parsnip Control Program
The City’s Wild Parsnip Program was slightly delayed this season due to Public Works’ clean-up efforts from the May 21 storm. Despite this, staff are nearing completion of the roadside herbicide application and expect to complete that operation very shortly. Parkland herbicide application is scheduled to begin this week, weather dependent. In Ward 5, those parks include the vicinity of the Diefenbunker Museum baseball diamond in the Carp area, River Park in Fitzroy Harbour and the rural portion of the South March Highlands Conservation Forest.
Ottawa Fire Services Station 45 – Design and Construction Plans

Kanata is getting a new fire station to serve fast-growing Kanata North suburbs. Learn more about the design and construction plans online until July 22.
Information about the station
The proposed Kanata North Fire Station 45 will be relocated from 640 Cameron Harvey Drive to the new site at 1075 March Road. The new fire station will serve Ward 4 Kanata North and Ward 5 West Carleton-March.
A 2015 Station Location Study confirmed that there would be no operational impacts or adverse impacts to public safety in relocating Station 45. The study assessed projected growth, anticipated risks and benefits of the new station being recommended.
The relocation of Station 45 (Cameron Harvey) within the Kanata North Community Design Plan. Currently, Station 45 (Cameron Harvey) is a composite station containing 10 career firefighters and volunteer firefighters. In order to meet the new standards based on projected growth, the new station would require an additional 10 career firefighters. The station will remain a composite station and include volunteer firefighters.
The current staffing of Station 45, as well as the equipment and apparatus, will relocate to the station’s new location.
The projected timeline for construction of the Kanata North station is 2023.
More details are available here: engage.ottawa.ca/ottawa-fire-services-station-45-open-house
Report Speeding to Ottawa Police

Speeding continues to be of high concern in our ward. Speeding concerns should be reported directly to the Ottawa Police Service. Reports submitted online go directly to the Traffic Unit, helping identify chronic hotspots so that officers can strategically deploy to areas of concern. Call the Police Reporting Unit at 613-236-1222 ext. 7300. Traffic complaints can also be reported online 24/7.
Information needed when filing a report is available here: bit.ly/TrafficReportingInfo.
Submit a report here: bit.ly/OPSOnlineReporting
Pinhey’s Point Historic Site – Tours & Heritage Demonstrations

City of Ottawa Heritage Staff are excited to welcome visitors back to the museum at Pinhey’s Point Historic Site, located at 270 Pinhey’s Point Road in Dunrobin. The museum is open for self-guided exploration Wednesday through Sunday from 10 am to 4:30 pm. Guided tours of the grounds are offered on Sundays; advance reservations are recommended. Book your visit online. Each Saturday afternoon in July, complement your visit with a heritage demonstration or hands-on activity.
Upcoming heritage demonstrations:
Pen and ink: Saturday, July 9 between 2 and 4 pm.
Pen and ink was a part of the daily lives of Hamnett K. Pinhey and his family as they kept meticulous records of their time at Horaceville. Learn to use a dip pen and ink to write your own name in stylistic cursive.
The language of flowers and flower pressing: Saturday, July 16 between 2 and 4 pm.
Language of flower books were a popular gift for young, upper class, ladies of the Victorian era. Join our interpreters outdoors to learn about the language of flowers and to pick a selection of blooms to press and take home. |