CBCM hosts Grab and Go market July 25

Special to WC Online

CONSTANCE BAY – The Constance Bay Community Market (CBCM) will host a Grab and Go Market this Saturday (July 25).

The CBCM is one of several markets unable to open during the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic. The CBCM pivoted by providing special monthly cheer boxes for purchase filled with some of their vendors products.

Now that the growing season is starting to bear fruit, the CBCM is doing something for their agricultural vendors.

“Now that we’re into the growing season, our agricultural vendors are eager to bring fresh, local produce to your tables,” the CBCM released in a statement yesterday (July 19). “We’re pleased to announce we’ll be hosting Grab and Go Mini Markets.” 

These markets will feature a small number of agricultural vendors offering fresh produce for you to purchase.

“Our first Grab and Go Mini Market will be this Saturday, July 25, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.,” the CBCM said. “In COVID-19 style, come prepared to wear a mask and stay two metres away from other customers. We’ve been missing you, and as much as we’d love to spend time chatting and catching up on Saturday, we ask that you select your produce, pay, and head home so that we can serve as many customers as possible during the short time we will be open. We promise to spend much more time socializing when it’s safer to do so.”

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