Carleton Place hospital introduces new chief of staff
CARLETON PLACE – Carleton Place and District Memorial Hospital’s (CPDMH) new chief of staff may seem familiar. That’s because Dr. Jamie Fullerton started as a resident in Carleton Place back in 1996 – and has been part of the community ever since.

Dr. Fullerton began as a family physician in 1997, taking over the practice his sister Lesa had established in Carleton Place.
“My roots are in the Ottawa Valley and I love these people,” he said. “These are people that will help their neighbours in a tough time. You don’t always see that elsewhere. They are big-hearted.”
This fall, Dr. Fullerton transitions from president of the medical staff to chief of staff.
“In a small community, the chief of staff has multiple roles,” Dr. Fullerton said. “I help to communicate between the medical staff, the board of directors and the administrative team. We have a good one here and everyone is focused on providing the best patient care possible.”
“We are excited about the energy that Dr. Fullerton brings to this role,” CPDMH board chair Rob Clayton said. “The board holds Jamie in high regard and appreciates his thoughtful input and passion for excellent patient care.”
Fullerton adds the medical staff is also very supportive.
“I want to thank Dr. Higham for all his hard work as outgoing chief of staff,” he said. “The medical team is bright and smart and great to work with. we have a high retention rate because we work well together.”
Fullerton says he has seen a lot of changes in his time at CPDMH.
“It’s great the Almonte and Carleton Place Hospitals are getting more connected and I look forward to seeing how we can augment that relationship even more to provide the best care to Lanark County,” he said. “One plus one definitely equals three.”