Carp Fair euchre series kicks off Saturday (Jan. 19)

CARP –$800 in prize money will get all the tables talking as the Carp Fair euchre series kicks off this Saturday.
The Carp Agricultural Society is hosting their annual four-part euchre series that will take you straight in to spring. For the next four months, on Jan. 19, Feb. 16, March 16 and April 13, your Saturday afternoon (starting at 1 p.m.) will be spent at the Carp Agricultural Hall (3790 Carp Rd.).
Participants are guaranteed eight games of four-handed euchre for a $20 entrance fee. There will be monthly prizes for top players and play in all four months for a chance to win the Top Overall Player prize or get to know someone really well and play all four months with the same partner for a chance to win the prestigious Ross Craig Memorial Highest Combined Score trophy.
Will 2018 champions Anne Saunders and Larry Krock be able to defend their title?
Refreshments and snacks will be available.
The registration deadline is 12:30 p.m. the day of the tournament.
For more information call 613-839-2172, email or visit the website at