WCDR releases initiatives for repairs
Special to WC Online
WEST CARLETON — West Carleton Disaster Relief (WCDR) released new initiatives today (Nov. 6) that will help tornado victims repair their damaged homes
The board approved a program of up to $30,000 dedicated for inspection and/or repair of damaged homes and a program with a total amount of $60,000 in cash or material distributions to facilitate repair of uninsured or underinsured homes and farm structures. Applicants need only contact the WCDR to apply for some of that funding.
Many people are worried about their roofs, WCDR is aware of at least two circumstances where water penetration is occurring. As winter is fast approaching the WCDR will bring in trusted partners to assess the damage and make a determination of how to best repair each circumstance. WCDR will coordinate materials and contractors so the work is done as quickly and efficiently as possible. This measure ensures financial constraints are not putting families at further risk and will give our residents peace of mind their homes will be safe and weather tight until spring. Where applicable, strategies will be applied to ensure insurable work is invoiced to the insurance companies.
The intention of the other program is to have allocated funds so the WCDR can assist farms based on a prioritized needs criteria. This assessment will be ongoing.
West Carleton Disaster Relief is a coalition of five West Carleton Community Associations who work as one in tornado recovery. The board members include: from the Dunrobin Community Association President Greg Patacairk (Co Chair), Secretary Lorraine Madore and Treasurer Tracy Taffinder (Treasurer); from the Kinburn Community Association Past President Alexandra Lesnick (Co Chair) and Laurie Chauvin; from the Constance and Buckham’s Bay Community Association President Len Russell (Secretary) and Past President Angela Bernhardt (Vice-President); from the Huntley Community Association Vice President Judy Makin and Director Allan Joyner; and from the Corkery Community Association President Katherine Woodward.
The board brings together decades of experience in community advocacy to provide informed, compassionate, and impartial decision making. The WCDR board allocates relief based on a review of circumstances and does not have access to any information during the review that will identify a specific recipient. Generally, the board will not be approving a specific individual to receive some relief; it will approve that people with a specific problem will receive relief.